Applications for SUD Ventures 2025 are now closed. Be the first to know when applications open for SUD Ventures 2026. Join the waitlist today!

How to Apply

Our Bootcamps bring together diverse teams of entrepreneurs and learning from each other is at the core of our experience.

Do you have an entrepreneurial mindset? Then we want you to apply!

After creating an account, our application process is fast and easy and it takes less than 20 minutes to complete:

STEP 1: Upload your resume (pdf format) or simply copy and paste the URL of your LinkedIn profile (~ 1 minute)

STEP 2: Upload a short video interview where you will answer 7-8 questions. This is done via a web browser application that will guide you through this process. (~20 minutes)

After you complete the video our admissions team will review your application. Usually it takes less than one week to receive a response back. Don’t wait. Show your commitment by applying early! Our cohorts fill up fast.

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What we are looking for

The most successful Bootcampers have the following qualities:

  • Capacity for Calculated Risk: Success happens when preparation meets opportunity. But seizing new opportunities comes with an inescapable amount of risk. We look for applicants who are confident and calculated risk takers, and can weigh when it makes sense to embark on a new venture, pivot, or start anew.
  • Open and Critical Thinking: Developing your venture will require collaboration and openness to new ideas. We look for individuals with an ability to combine critical thinking with an open mind.
  • Focus on Community: At MIT we believe that the team is more important than the idea. Great teams make amazing companies and can turn average ideas into life-changing innovations. Ideal candidates will put the team above themselves, and have a strong track record of contributing to their community.
  • Initiative with Follow-Through: Anyone can start a new venture, but what separates the thriving businesses from those that fail is follow-through. We looks for applicants that start new ventures, but will follow-through even when the going gets tough.

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Admissions Process

You will be asked to submit some information about your background, upload a resume (or submit your LinkedIn profile URL), and then take a short video interview. The video interview questions are an opportunity for us to learn more about you beyond your resume.

Admissions are conducted on a rolling basis. The sooner you apply, the sooner you will receive a decision at each round. Don’t wait. Show your commitment by applying early!

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Tips for Applying

At the Bootcamp, we are interested in YOU! So during your video interview - take a deep breath, exhale, shoulders down, and be yourself. There is no risk in applying!

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